{ "data": { "post": { "title": "Training Your Own LLM using privateGPT", "createdAt": 1684461025636, "creator": { "id": "6599e1e08a48", "name": "Wei-Meng Lee" }, "content": { "bodyModel": { "paragraphs": [ { "name": "c634", "text": "Training Your Own LLM using privateGPT", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "7cfe", "text": "Learn how to train your own language model without exposing your private data to the provider", "type": "H4", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "352a", "text": "Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://unsplash.com/@maplerockdesign?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=referral", "userId": null, "start": 9, "end": 21, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://unsplash.com?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=referral", "userId": null, "start": 25, "end": 33, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "0*1WQcFWt4MSaUNJ0O", "originalWidth": 6000, "originalHeight": 4000 } }, { "name": "4323", "text": "One of the major concerns of using public AI services such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the risk of exposing your private data to the provider. For commercial use, this remains the biggest concerns for companies considering adopting AI technologies.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "4b02", "text": "Many times, you want to create your own language model that are trained on your set of data (such as sales insights, customers feedback, etc), but at the same time you do not want to expose all these sensitive data to a AI provider such as OpenAI. So the ideal way is to train your own LLM locally, without needing to upload your data to the cloud.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "d132", "text": "If your data is public and you don’t mind exposing them to ChatGPT, I have another article that shows how you can connect ChatGPT with your own data:", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "c872", "text": "Connecting ChatGPT with Your Own Data using LlamaIndex\nLearn how to create your own chatbot for your businesslevelup.gitconnected.com", "type": "MIXTAPE_EMBED", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "https://levelup.gitconnected.com/connecting-chatgpt-with-your-own-data-using-llamaindex-663844c06653", "type": "A", "href": "https://levelup.gitconnected.com/connecting-chatgpt-with-your-own-data-using-llamaindex-663844c06653", "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 133, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 54, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "EM", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 55, "end": 109, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "2b8a", "text": "In this article, I will show you how you can use an open-source project called privateGPT to utilize an LLM so that it can answer questions (like ChatGPT) based on your custom training data, all without sacrificing the privacy of your data.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 79, "end": 90, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "e4bf", "text": "It is important to note that privateGPT is currently a proof-of-concept and is not production ready.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "d408", "text": "Downloading privateGPT", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "9293", "text": "To try out privateGPT, you can go to GitHub using the following link: https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT", "userId": null, "start": 70, "end": 109, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "43ea", "text": "You can either download the repository by clicking on the Code | Download ZIP button:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 58, "end": 63, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 65, "end": 77, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "9d34", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*aEAiprAOjwcTIS98QvVX7Q.png", "originalWidth": 1125, "originalHeight": 856 } }, { "name": "37bf", "text": "Or, if you have git installed on your system, use the following command in Terminal to clone the repository:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 16, "end": 19, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "062d", "text": "$ git clone https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "232d", "text": "Either case, once the repository is downloaded onto your computer, the privateGPT directory should have the following files and folder:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 71, "end": 81, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "e7ae", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*nmtDdyVdOqOTYLN1mNGE6g.png", "originalWidth": 161, "originalHeight": 187 } }, { "name": "9e09", "text": "Installing the Required Python Packages", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "9e9e", "text": "privateGPT uses a number of Python packages. They are encapsulated in the requirements.txt file:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 74, "end": 90, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a035", "text": "langchain==0.0.171\npygpt4all==1.1.0\nchromadb==0.3.23\nllama-cpp-python==0.1.50\nurllib3==2.0.2\npdfminer.six==20221105\npython-dotenv==1.0.0\nunstructured==0.6.6\nextract-msg==0.41.1\ntabulate==0.9.0\npandoc==2.3\npypandoc==1.11", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "248c", "text": "The easiest way to install them is to use pip:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 42, "end": 45, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5b96", "text": "$ cd privateGPT\n$ pip install -r requirements.txt", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "8770", "text": "From my experimentation, some required Python packages may not be installed when you perform the installation above. You will know this later on when you try to run either the ingest.py or privateGPT.py file. In such instances, simply install the missing package individually.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a2c1", "text": "Editing the Environment file", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1e12", "text": "The example.env file contains several settings used by privateGPT. Here is its content:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 4, "end": 15, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "bc04", "text": "PERSIST_DIRECTORY=db\nMODEL_TYPE=GPT4All\nMODEL_PATH=models/ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin\nEMBEDDINGS_MODEL_NAME=all-MiniLM-L6-v2\nMODEL_N_CTX=1000", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "207e", "text": "PERSIST_DIRECTORY — the directory that will hold the local vector store after your documents are loaded and processed", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 17, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "bd5d", "text": "MODEL_TYPE — the type of model you are using. Here, it is set to GPT4All (a free open-source alternative to ChatGPT by OpenAI).", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 10, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 65, "end": 72, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "ed03", "text": "MODEL_PATH — the path where the LLM is located. Here it is set to the models directory and the model used is ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin (you will learn where to download this model in the next section)", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 10, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 70, "end": 76, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 109, "end": 139, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1afb", "text": "EMBEDDINGS_MODEL_NAME — this refers to the name of a transformer model. Here it is set to all-MiniLM-L6-v2, which maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384 dimensional dense vector space and can be used for tasks like clustering or semantic search.", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 21, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 90, "end": 106, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "046b", "text": "MODEL_N_CTX — Maximum token limit for both embeddings and LLM models", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 11, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1780", "text": "Rename the example.env to .env.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 11, "end": 22, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 26, "end": 30, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5ab7", "text": "Once this is done, the .env file will become a hidden file.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "e1f7", "text": "Downloading the Model", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5202", "text": "In order for privateGPT to work, it needs to pre-trained model (a LLM). As privateGPT is using GPT4All, you can download the LLMs from: https://gpt4all.io/index.html:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://gpt4all.io/index.html", "userId": null, "start": 136, "end": 165, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1959", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*U6ErkqKx37BD78GnhrddCQ.png", "originalWidth": 425, "originalHeight": 382 } }, { "name": "158c", "text": "Since the default environment file specifies the ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin LLM, download the first model and then create a new folder named models inside the privateGPT folder. Put the ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin file inside the models folder:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 49, "end": 80, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 145, "end": 151, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 163, "end": 173, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 190, "end": 225, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 237, "end": 243, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "b6c5", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*91VyGGHfeaLJfpDpXNv5tQ.png", "originalWidth": 470, "originalHeight": 205 } }, { "name": "0792", "text": "Preparing Your Data", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "2b4e", "text": "If you look into the ingest.py file, you will notice the following code snippet:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 21, "end": 30, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "c704", "text": " \".csv\": (CSVLoader, {}),\n # \".docx\": (Docx2txtLoader, {}),\n \".doc\": (UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader, {}),\n \".docx\": (UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader, {}),\n \".enex\": (EverNoteLoader, {}),\n \".eml\": (UnstructuredEmailLoader, {}),\n \".epub\": (UnstructuredEPubLoader, {}),\n \".html\": (UnstructuredHTMLLoader, {}),\n \".md\": (UnstructuredMarkdownLoader, {}),\n \".odt\": (UnstructuredODTLoader, {}),\n \".pdf\": (PDFMinerLoader, {}),\n \".ppt\": (UnstructuredPowerPointLoader, {}),\n \".pptx\": (UnstructuredPowerPointLoader, {}),\n \".txt\": (TextLoader, {\"encoding\": \"utf8\"}),", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "3b98", "text": "This means privateGPT is able to support the following document types:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "bbe5", "text": ".csv: CSV", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5dc4", "text": ".doc: Word Document", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1b3e", "text": ".docx: Word Document", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 5, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "9df7", "text": ".enex: EverNote", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 5, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "21df", "text": ".eml: Email", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "0760", "text": ".epub: EPub", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 5, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "47fc", "text": ".html: HTML File", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 5, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "fa8b", "text": ".md: Markdown", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 3, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "54ef", "text": ".odt: Open Document Text", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "8b7a", "text": ".pdf: Portable Document Format (PDF)", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "59e9", "text": ".ppt : PowerPoint Document", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "ef78", "text": ".pptx : PowerPoint Document", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 5, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "ad2b", "text": ".txt: Text file (UTF-8)", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 4, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "70de", "text": "Each type of document is specified with the respective document loader. For example, you use the UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader class to load .doc and .docx Word documents.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "CODE", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 97, "end": 127, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 142, "end": 146, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 151, "end": 156, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "fc32", "text": "By default, privateGPT comes with the state_of_the_union.txt file located in the source_documents folder. I am going to delete it and replace it with a document named Singapore.pdf.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 38, "end": 60, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 81, "end": 97, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 167, "end": 180, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "f5fb", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*yCu7c82LVfwcJL0rU5DkbQ.png", "originalWidth": 717, "originalHeight": 308 } }, { "name": "757e", "text": "This document was created from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore. You can download any page from Wikipedia as a PDF document by clicking Tools | Download as PDF:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore", "userId": null, "start": 31, "end": 70, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 143, "end": 148, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 151, "end": 166, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5e48", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*X6XCyUSXTtO6dUkQziL1Hw.png", "originalWidth": 1011, "originalHeight": 943 } }, { "name": "8b78", "text": "You can put any documents that are supported by privateGPT into the source_documents folder. For my example, I only put one document.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 48, "end": 58, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 68, "end": 84, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "84e8", "text": "Creating the Embeddings for Your Documents", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "00a5", "text": "Once your document(s) are in place, you are ready to create embeddings for your documents.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "EM", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 60, "end": 70, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "4ada", "text": "Creating embeddings refers to the process of generating vector representations for words, sentences, or other units of text. These vector representations capture semantic and syntactic information about the text, allowing machines to understand and process natural language more effectively.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "cb51", "text": "Type the following in Terminal (the ingest.py file is provided in the privateGPT folder):", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 36, "end": 45, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 70, "end": 80, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "194a", "text": "$ python ingest.py ", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "fbb1", "text": "Depending on the machine you are using and the number of documents you put in the source_documents folder, the embedding processing may take quite a while to complete.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 82, "end": 98, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "ca70", "text": "When it is done, you will see something like this:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a572", "text": "Loading documents from source_documents\nLoaded 1 documents from source_documents\nSplit into 692 chunks of text (max. 500 characters each)\nUsing embedded DuckDB with persistence: data will be stored in: db", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "e1ec", "text": "The embeddings are saved in the db folder, in the form of Chroma DB:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 32, "end": 34, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 58, "end": 67, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a73a", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*jDrd-g5qCKOwzc9WZ6SS8A.png", "originalWidth": 467, "originalHeight": 230 } }, { "name": "b758", "text": "Chroma is the open-source embedding database.", "type": "BQ", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 6, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "88ff", "text": "Asking Questions", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "bb50", "text": "You are now ready to ask questions! Type the following command in Terminal:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "407f", "text": "$ python privateGPT.py", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "8307", "text": "It will take a while for the model to be loaded. In the process you will see the following:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "8ff1", "text": "Using embedded DuckDB with persistence: data will be stored in: db\ngptj_model_load: loading model from 'models/ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin' - please wait ...\ngptj_model_load: n_vocab = 50400\ngptj_model_load: n_ctx = 2048\ngptj_model_load: n_embd = 4096\ngptj_model_load: n_head = 16\ngptj_model_load: n_layer = 28\ngptj_model_load: n_rot = 64\ngptj_model_load: f16 = 2\ngptj_model_load: ggml ctx size = 4505.45 MB\ngptj_model_load: memory_size = 896.00 MB, n_mem = 57344\ngptj_model_load: ................................... done\ngptj_model_load: model size = 3609.38 MB / num tensors = 285\n\nEnter a query:", "type": "PRE", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "42a3", "text": "At the prompt, you can type in your question. I asked: “What is the population in Singapore?”. It took privateGPT quite a while to come up with the answer. Once it managed to find an answer, it give you the answer and cited the source for the answer:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "EM", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 56, "end": 92, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "c465", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*9Wy31PmzRCyjzPaWd6RcjQ.png", "originalWidth": 691, "originalHeight": 422 } }, { "name": "5bb3", "text": "You can continue to ask a follow-up question:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "127c", "text": "", "type": "IMG", "href": null, "layout": "INSET_CENTER", "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": { "id": "1*1jGttohgkBUjwX58sYRBuQ.png", "originalWidth": 682, "originalHeight": 412 } }, { "name": "fc1e", "text": "If you like reading my articles and that it helped your career/study, please consider signing up as a Medium member. It is $5 a month, and it gives you unlimited access to all the articles (including mine) on Medium. If you sign up using the following link, I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Your support means that I will be able to devote more time on writing articles like this.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 410, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5ef0", "text": "Join Medium with my referral link - Wei-Meng Lee\nRead every story from Wei-Meng Lee (and thousands of other writers on Medium). Your membership fee directly supports…weimenglee.medium.com", "type": "MIXTAPE_EMBED", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "https://weimenglee.medium.com/membership", "type": "A", "href": "https://weimenglee.medium.com/membership", "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 187, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 48, "anchorType": null }, { "title": null, "type": "EM", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 49, "end": 166, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "e370", "text": "Summary", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "64ef", "text": "While privateGPT is a currently a proof-of-concept, it looks promising, However, it is not ready for production. There are a couple of issues:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a0f5", "text": "Slow inferencing. It took a while to perform the text embedding, but this is acceptable as this is a one-time process. However, inferencing is slow, especially on slower machines. I used a M1 Mac with 32GB ram and it still took a while to churn out the answer.", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 16, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "bc1b", "text": "Memory hog. privateGPT uses lots of memory, and after asking one or two questions, I will get an out-of-memory error, like this:", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 10, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "5beb", "text": "segmentation fault python privateGPT.py. /Users/weimenglee/miniforge3/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/resource_tracker.py:224: UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 1 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown. warnings.warn(‘resource_tracker: There appear to be %d ‘", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": null, "type": "EM", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 0, "end": 284, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a433", "text": "Until the author of privateGPT fixes the above two issues, privateGPT remains an experiment to see how you can train your LLM without exposing your private data to the cloud.", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1c74", "text": "Level Up Coding", "type": "H3", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "f85c", "text": "Thanks for being a part of our community! Before you go:", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "357f", "text": "👏 Clap for the story and follow the author 👉", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "a4ba", "text": "📰 View more content in the Level Up Coding publication", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://levelup.gitconnected.com/?utm_source=pub&utm_medium=post", "userId": null, "start": 28, "end": 55, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "1d51", "text": "💰 Free coding interview course ⇒ View Course", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://skilled.dev/?utm_source=luc&utm_medium=article", "userId": null, "start": 34, "end": 45, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "3bcd", "text": "🔔 Follow us: Twitter | LinkedIn | Newsletter", "type": "ULI", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://twitter.com/gitconnected", "userId": null, "start": 14, "end": 21, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/gitconnected", "userId": null, "start": 24, "end": 32, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://newsletter.levelup.dev", "userId": null, "start": 35, "end": 45, "anchorType": "LINK" } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null }, { "name": "3fff", "text": "🚀👉 Join the Level Up talent collective and find an amazing job", "type": "P", "href": null, "layout": null, "markups": [ { "title": "", "type": "A", "href": "https://jobs.levelup.dev/talent/welcome?referral=true", "userId": null, "start": 5, "end": 64, "anchorType": "LINK" }, { "title": null, "type": "STRONG", "href": null, "userId": null, "start": 5, "end": 64, "anchorType": null } ], "iframe": null, "metadata": null } ] } } } } }