use std::ops::DerefMut; use diesel::result::Error; use rocket::response::status::Custom; use rocket::{ http::{Cookie, Cookies, Status}, response::status, Rocket, }; use rocket_contrib::json::Json; use serde_json::Value; use crate::api::guards::db; use crate::core::paste::{entity::Paste, service::create_paste, service::fetch_paste}; use crate::core::users::service::create_or_fetch_user; use crate::utils::phonetic_key; #[post("/", data = "")] fn create(mut paste: Json, conn: db::DbConn, mut ck: Cookies) -> Custom> { // Check if frontend sent a session cookie let user_id = match ck.get_private("session") { Some(c) => c.value().to_string(), None => { let user_id = phonetic_key::get_random_id(); ck.add_private(Cookie::new("session", user_id.clone())); user_id } }; // Create or fetch already existing user let user = match create_or_fetch_user(user_id, &conn) { Ok(user) => user, Err(e) => { return status::Custom( Status::InternalServerError, Json(json!({ "err": e.to_string(), "msg": "Failed to create or fetch user" })), ) } }; let new_paste = paste.deref_mut(); if { = Some(phonetic_key::get_random_id()); } new_paste.belongs_to = Some(; match create_paste(new_paste, &conn) { Ok(_) => status::Custom( Status::Created, Json(json!({ "msg": "Successfully created paste", "paste_id": })), ), Err(e) => status::Custom( Status::InternalServerError, Json(json!({ "err": e.to_string(), "msg": "Failed to create paste" })), ), } } #[get("/")] fn fetch(id: String, conn: db::DbConn) -> Custom> { let paste = match fetch_paste(id, &conn) { Ok(paste) => paste, Err(err) => { return match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(Error::NotFound) => Custom( Status::NotFound, Json(json!({ "err": err.to_string(), "msg": "Unable to find a paste with that ID" })), ), _ => Custom( Status::InternalServerError, Json(json!({ "err": err.to_string(), "msg": "Something went wrong, try again" })), ), } } }; Custom(Status::Found, Json(json!(paste))) } pub fn fuel(rocket: Rocket) -> Rocket { rocket.mount("/api/paste", routes![create, fetch]) }